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Psychometric Characteristics of the Russian Version on the Thomas-Kilmann Questionaire («Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument – TKI-R»)
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Abstract: The article contains a history of the Questionnaire introduced by K.Tomas and R.Kilmann intended to determine a preferred style of conflict management and measurement of the five major types of behaviors in interpersonal conflict: competition, cooperation, compromise, avoidance and adaptation. The attention is paid to testing and refining the wording of questions. In domestic practice of psychodiagnostics the first text of the questionnaire by Thomas and Kilmann in Russian was not found. Besides, there was no information about its psychometric properties. The article contains the text of the questionnaire in Russian and English for identity assessment. All psychometric procedures are performed on the basis of empirical results obtained with the help of the texts found in the textbooks in Russian. The procedure of adaptation of the test to the Russian language is shown; the meaningful and internal validity is described in short. Assessment of the internal validity of the procedure was carried out on a sample of 392 people. In general, it should be noted that TKI-R Questionnaire internal validity may be considered high, because firstly, the scales are characterized well by the set of proposed items, and secondly, there is no point associated with the "foreign" scale. The paper shows the differences in the structure of the preferred types and rejects conflict management styles.
Key words: Styles of behavior in interpersonal conflict; reliability; content validity; internal validity; consistency, standardization; approbation; basic characteristics.
For citation
Kardashina, S. V. Psychometric Characteristics of the Russian Version on the Thomas-Kilmann Questionaire («Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument – TKI-R») / S. V. Kardashina, N. V. Shangina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №11. – P. 216-228.