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Analysis of Methodological Approaches to the Organization of Psychological and Pedagogical Support for the Family
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Abstract: The article presents methodological approaches to the term «psychological and pedagogical support». The article analyzes the models of psychological and pedagogical support, and characterizes different models: diagnostic, medical, social, pedagogical and psychological ones. The authors of the models emphasize the importance of education of parents as active participants of the learning process. Frequently, the parents of children with motor-coordination disorders face the negative social and cultural impact of society. As a result of the impact, there is a situation of social isolation of families, which adversely affects the child development. The psychological and pedagogical support results in the adaptability as an ability to achieve the optimal relationship with oneself and the environment. The article presents the results of investigation of parental behavior strategies. The parents, who didn’t take part in the process of psychological and pedagogical support, had unconstructive behavior strategies: avoiding the contact with environment and immersion into oneself, passive waiting of external changes, passive subjection of environment, keeping apart from the environment and searching for the new one. The parents, who took part in the technology of psychological and pedagogical support, demonstrated more active behavior strategies, for example: actively changing the environment. The choice of adaptive behavior strategies influences the level of motor «mobility» of their children. The article stresses the influence of the personal potential on the level of social and psychological adaptation of family in the support process of families with children with motor-coordination disorders.
Key words: Motor-coordination disorders; personal potential of parents; parental behavior strategies, psychological and pedagogical support
For citation
Dubrovina, N. A. Analysis of Methodological Approaches to the Organization of Psychological and Pedagogical Support for the Family / N. A. Dubrovina, E. S. Naboichenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №11. – P. 211-215.