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Specific Features of Linguistic Education in the Context of Historical-Cultural Legacy of Ancient China on the Basis of Classical Texts Ven-Zhen-Hua and Li Bai's Poetry
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Abstract: The interest towards the Chinese Language, culture and mentality has notably grown in the modern scientific world. The Chinese classical art is one of the most complex components of the study of the Chinese model of the world. The given article deals with the specificity of teaching the Chinese language on the basis of the texts of painting of the writers of ven-zhen-hua and Li Bai's poetry. The aim of the article is to study modern linguistic education in the context of historical-cultural legacy of Ancient China. The authors analyze the possibility of solving the problem of training specialists possessing the policultural, professional and interpersonal competences and consider the main mechanisms of carrying out educational policy in Russia. A special place is occupied in the process of learning the Chinese language by literary translation with the purpose of developing the students’ imagery and policultural mentality. Variability of literary translation is demonstrated through key vocabulary. The analysis of poetic works is carried out on the semantic level using the method of parallel texts. The peculiar features of the Chinese classical poetry are revealed on the example of translation of Li Bai's poem “Having Climed the Phoenix Terrace near Xingling”. The study of peculiarities of linguistic education in the historical-cultural context made it possible to reveal the following feature of the Chinese classical art – synthesis of painting and literature as an inseparable part of Chinese consciousness.
Key words: Text; linguistic worldview; characteristic of the person; qualified specialist; painting of the writers of ven-zhen-hua; Li Bai's poetry.
For citation
Nikiforova, H. P. Specific Features of Linguistic Education in the Context of Historical-Cultural Legacy of Ancient China on the Basis of Classical Texts Ven-Zhen-Hua and Li Bai's Poetry / H. P. Nikiforova, P. V. Porol, D. I. Trufanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №11. – P. 78-83.