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Russian Literature for the Chinese Students (On the Basis of the Novels “Rudin” and “A Nest of Gentlefolk” by. I.S. Turgenev). The Image of Russian Estate: Analysis and Interpretation
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Abstract: Analysis of Russian literature is one of the subjects at the Faculty of Russian Language in Chinese university. This course is essential to learn to understand and interpret great works of the Russian writers. Students read and analyze the novels in class, which helps to broaden their knowledge, brings up moral qualities and taste and helps them understand Russian culture. Turgenev is a famous writer of the XIXth century, who is a perfect master of scenery description. Russian estate is so vividly described in his works that it embodies the whole epoch. The analysis of the image of the Russian estate of the noble family in the novels “Rudin” and “A Nest of Gentlefolk” helps the students feel the Russian national spirit and the charm of the Russian culture.
Key words: Russian literature; Russian writers; estate; scenery; methods of teaching literature; Chinese students; literature analysis.
For citation
Qi, Cheng Jia. Russian Literature for the Chinese Students (On the Basis of the Novels “Rudin” and “A Nest of Gentlefolk” by. I.S. Turgenev). The Image of Russian Estate: Analysis and Interpretation / Cheng Jia Qi, A. S. Tenikhina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №12. – P. 182-186.