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Communicative Creativity of the Individual as a Factor of Efficiency of Business Communication
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Abstract: The article deals with the problem of enhancing efficiency of professional business communication by including the communicative resources of creativity, which is seen as the ability of the individual to solve problems effectively by means of activization of the communicative factor and to find fundamentally new or improved solutions to communication tasks. The article dwells on the following characteristics of communicative creativity: ease in creating numerous variants of individual behavior, flexibility of the subject response tactics, use of various methods of behavior, and originality, which manifested itself in the creation of non-standard ways of resolving problem situations. Communication is considered as a creative activity involving the development of creativity in the communication process. It is shown that new opportunities of business communication may be the product of human creativity. The following aims of communication are important landmarks in organization of creative communication activity: establishment of contact between interlocutors; exchange of messages, opinions, intentions, and solutions; motivation of the partner’s activity in dialogue aimed at the implementation of mutually beneficial activities; coordination of joint activity organization; awareness of the meaning of intentions of the partner in communication; influencing emotions, intentions, decisions, and opinions; establishment of relations in the system of business communication; conviction and reassurance of the partner; and conflict resolution. The article considers the possibilities of combining the case method and game-based techniques by incorporating case studies (situations) in the game and the use of the combined method in the process of development of communicative creativity. The authors give examples of organization of the process of development of communicative creativity in the structure of business games using the combined method.
Key words: Business communication; creative activity; communication; creativity; conflict resolution; business games.
For citation
Doroshuk, L. A. Communicative Creativity of the Individual as a Factor of Efficiency of Business Communication / L. A. Doroshuk, S. A. Novoselov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №12. – P. 265-268.