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A Study of Loneliness in Students
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Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of feelings of loneliness of students. The article outlines the main approaches to the study of loneliness and the necessity and insufficiency of the study of loneliness in the period of student life. On the basis of the cognitive approach, the article formulates a working definition of loneliness and the results of an empirical research of experiences of loneliness in a sample of students. According to the level of loneliness, students are divided into groups, a comparative analysis of which shows the particular experiences of loneliness by lonely and not lonely students. The following emotions and emotional states are characteristic for lonely and not lonely students: compassion for oneself, sense of insecurity, vulnerability, alienation, awkwardness, isolation, desertion, humility, anger and wrath. The authors argue that the reason for loneliness of students lies in communication difficulties, problems with self-esteem and lack of confidence, lack of close friends. The article distinguishes typical masculine responses to loneliness: playing computer games, travelling around the city in a car/on a bike, and typical feminine responses: reading, spending time on studies or work, shopping, phone calls to friends, etc.
Key words: Loneliness, emotions, experiences, feelings, level of subjective experience, reasons of loneliness, responses to loneliness, lonely students.
For citation
Lyubyakin, A. A. A Study of Loneliness in Students / A. A. Lyubyakin, L. V. Okonechnikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №2. – P. 149-156.