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Theoretical Foundations of Application of the Method of Auditory Visual Stimulation in Teaching Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
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Abstract: The article deals with the history of development of the idea of application of auditory visual stimulation to influence various kinds of psychic states disorders. The scope of research includes the process of stimulation of brain activity by using various means differing in character and content. The article presents a comparative analysis of various theoretical sources on the problem of importance of the method from ancient times, including Ancient Greece, till nowadays. The author dwells on the history of development of functional, neuro-visual and electrophysiological study of the brain, such as electroencephalography (EEG), quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG), positron emission tomography (PET), etc.; they provided the data necessary for successful application of auditory visual stimulation not only for correction of various psycho-emotional states but also for studying autism spectrum disorders. The article may be useful for psychologists and special pedagogues who study teaching and correction of states of children with autism spectrum disorders.
Key words: Autism, autism spectrum disorders, auditory visual stimulation, psycho-emotional states, quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG).
For citation
Shoshev, M. D. Theoretical Foundations of Application of the Method of Auditory Visual Stimulation in Teaching Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) / M. D. Shoshev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №2. – P. 133-136.