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Formation of Professional Competence of Bachelors of Law in the Conditions of Distance Learning
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Abstract: The article deals with the notions of information and communications technology (ICT) and distance learning (DL). It analyzes the main approaches of the leading domestic and foreign scholars regarding the advantages and disadvantages of application of distance forms of education in the framework of the competence approach. The author considers the advantages and disadvantages of implementation of new educational technologies of distance learning on the example of legal education and the specificity of application of case technologies in higher professional education. The article analyzes the systems of massive open online courses. It reveals organizational and pedagogic conditions of realization of the distance learning system.
Key words: Information and communications technology, professional education, competence approach, distance learning, case-study, massive open online course (MOOC), educational technology, educational platform.
For citation
Ektov, A. V. Formation of Professional Competence of Bachelors of Law in the Conditions of Distance Learning / A. V. Ektov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №3. – P. 38-43.