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Methods of Optimization of Independent Work of Students: From the Experience of Teaching Pedagogy
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Abstract: This article analyzes the possibilities of optimizing self-study of undergraduate students in the course of teaching the discipline "Pedagogy" at the Ural State Pedagogical University. The author defines the meaning and content of the notion of "independent work of students," the urgency of this type of educational activity in the conditions of modern Russian education system in the context of new requirements to the individual qualities and the level of training of future professionals. Independent work of students is looked upon as an essential element of continuing education and professional self-realization. The article outlines the ways of optimization of students' independent work, correlated with the general objectives of modernization of the Russian education. The author presents the results of personal experience in search and modification of active methods of control of self-study of undergraduate students in the course of teaching disciplines of the pedagogical block. The author concludes that the most effective ways of "immersing" students in different types of independent work are the rating system and the self-analysis of their own activities.
Key words: Independent work of students, higher education system, level of training bachelors, forms and methods of control.
For citation
Dongauzer, E. V. Methods of Optimization of Independent Work of Students: From the Experience of Teaching Pedagogy / E. V. Dongauzer // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №3. – P. 51-56.