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Methods Applied for Analysis of Creolized Texts
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Abstract: Language, being a static phenomenon as well as a dynamic one, undergoes various changes, therefore the text, which is the supreme manifestation of language, undergoes the same changes. In modern science there is a tendency towards broadening, “blurring out” the limits of the concept “text”. Rapid growth of the number of scientific works devoted to semiotically complicated, polycode or creolized texts proves the fact that nowadays researchers pay more attention to non-verbal or extralinguistic features of language, i.e. non-verbal means of data transfer, which constitute one of the components of such type of text. Researchers’ attention to the problems of paralinguistics proves the fact that there appeared predominantly new ways of data transfer and impact on the readers. The article under discussion considers the problem of creolized text, its basic characteristics and correlation between its components, and expressive possibilities of paralinguistic means of language. The paper provides a model scheme of creolized text analysis taking into consideration its key characteristics and complicated structure. The model scheme of analysis of creolized text includes the following steps: 1) reference of the text to static creolized texts or to dynamic ones; 2) description of the degree of text creolization; 3) description of types of correlation between the components of creolized text; 4) description of linguistic and paralinguistic expressive means. The paper in question gives an example of analysis of creolized text, to be more exact, an American political cartoon, the non-verbal component of which is the image of Vladimir Putin.
Key words: Text analysis; creolized text; graphic metaphor; precedent name, political cartoon.
For citation
Devyatkova, M. I. Methods Applied for Analysis of Creolized Texts / M. I. Devyatkova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №4. – P. 31-34.