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Development of Subjectivity of Preschool Children in Working Life
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Abstract: The problem of work inclusion of children of the advanced preschool age is studied in the article. The author allocates and describes the characteristics of preschool children that allow carrying out labor education during this age period. The retrospective analysis of philosophical, psychology and pedagogical literature, which is carried out by the author, demonstrates that the questions of the organization of work of children of the advanced preschool age are given great attention in theoretical works. However the data of a diagnostic testing have shown that in spite of the existing polyvariability of the educational programs used in preschool educational organizations, the aspiration of teachers to carry out program requirements, to achieve the goal of acquisition of the sum of knowledge and abilities, which are defined often without any regard to the real level of development of children, prevails over the desire to provide educational impact on the identity of a child, satisfaction of the needs of a child for joint activity. The analysis of views of modern researchers is provided and the idea about need of reconsideration of the available theory and practice in the field of development of subjectivity of preschool children in the course of work is proved by the author in this article. According to the researchers the position of the subject of child labor is shown in ability to an independent goalsetting and motivation to work, ability to operate the mastered ways of the elementary labor processes, independently controlling and estimating results of the work. The author generalizes theoretical and practical experience of application of various technologies of work inclusion of preschool children on the basis of the subject-subject relationship between participants of educational process and comes to a conclusion about the need of updating of the approaches to the definition of the role of an adult in management of children’s work, focusing on the construction of the subject-subject interaction with the child, on the search of actual means and methods of the organization of work of a preschool child.
Key words: Preschool child; subjectivity; work; subject of work; technology of work inclusion.
For citation
Shants, E. A. Development of Subjectivity of Preschool Children in Working Life / E. A. Shants // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №4. – P. 141-146.