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Modern Features of Pedagogical Interaction Between Teachers and Parents
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Abstract: Changes in politics and economy of the country caused significant changes in the educational system. These changes led to many problems in this sphere, which consequently told on the relationship between educational institutions and families. At present the quality and contents of family education are in decline, while the need for interaction with the educational institution for the benefit of the child is steadily growing. Understanding of modern features of interaction allows the teacher to choose the optimal strategy of interaction and to use effective methods and techniques of work with parents. We conducted a poll, the aim of which was to identify the modern ways of educational interaction of teachers and parents. We have questioned 97 teachers and 184 parents of secondary schools № 80, 72, 141, 127, 41, 29, 183, 71, 134, 130 in the city of Ekaterinburg. We have analyzed the results of this poll focusing on three ways of teacher-parent interaction: increasing the psychology-educational culture of parents, involving parents in educational process and participation of parents in management of educational institutions.
Key words: Interaction; subjects of interaction; pedagogical process; cooperation; interaction strategy; educational institutions; teacher; family; parents.
For citation
Shchipanova, I. A. Modern Features of Pedagogical Interaction Between Teachers and Parents / I. A. Shchipanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №4. – P. 147-152.