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Anosov Semen Davydovich (1898–1967)
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of Semen Davydovich Anosov’s biography, who in 1930-s was the first director of Sverdlovsk and later of Stalingrad Pedagogical institutes. The authors tried to study the genesis and some traits of character of this figure, which were typical for the Soviet period. Special attention is paid to the description of the main activities of S.D. Anosov as the first director of Pedagogical Institute founded in 1930 (now it is Ural State Pedagogical University), among them: reorganization of industrial-pedagogical institute into teachers’ training one, planning of the educational process, selection of the teaching staff, enlargement of resource-and-technical base of the institute. The tragic episodes of S.D. Anosov’s life and his attitude to those facts are also described; he suffered from Stalin’s political repressions. New information provided by S.D. Anosov’s grandson D.I. Kuznetsov, Vice-rector of St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor made the basis of this article as well as the information found in the museum of Volgograd State Pedagogical University.
Key words: Origin; political views; education; Communist Party; Leninism; pedagogical university; educational process; teachers’ training; repressions; rehabilitation.
For citation
Popov, M. V. Anosov Semen Davydovich (1898–1967) / M. V. Popov, T. G. Moston // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №4. – P. 174-180.