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Analysis of Socio-Economic Conditions of Effective Contract in Educational Institutions
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Abstract: The article discusses the issue of increasing financial efficiency of an educational institution through the introduction of the so-called “effective contract”. It analyzes the experience of application of effective contract in educational institutions as a method of organization of socio-economic relations. The article describes the experience of Canada, Australia, Spain, the USA and Russia in the realization of experience of increasing economic efficiency of educational organizations. Based on the experience of foreign countries, the main directions of development of education in Russia are outlined. Realization of the presented lines of development is considered through improvement of economic efficiency of universities. The implementation of the "Program of gradual improvement of the remuneration system in the state (municipal) institutions in 2012– 2018" is a possible method of raising financial efficiency. The article analyzes the existing pay system in the state education institutions and reveals a need to develop methods for assessing the activities of workers in order to increase the efficiency of the institution. The authors suggest criteria for objective evaluation of employees’ labor in the preparation of effective contract in state-maintained education institution.
Key words: Education, public policy, effective contract, criteria of efficiency.
For citation
Korzhavina, N. P. Analysis of Socio-Economic Conditions of Effective Contract in Educational Institutions / N. P. Korzhavina, O. A. Chikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №5. – P. 36-40.