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Analysis of Development of Methods of Knowledge Evaluation in the Framework of the Black Box Theory
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Abstract: The article is devoted to analysis of historical development of methods of evaluation of knowledge from the positions of the black box theory (BB). The purpose of the study consists in determining historical stages of creation and application of the BB model in the field of knowledge control for understanding its role in its own historical development and predicting new approaches to its application in modern education. The article describes the opposition of resources – qualities (RQ-contradiction) arising from the application of the BB model. The author defines the following historical stages of development of the methods of evaluation of knowledge in the framework of the BB theory: the BB model is absent, the BB model has just been introduced, the BB model is being practiced and the BB model has been developed. Various methods of overcoming the RQ-contradiction are signed out as driving forces of development of the BB model in didactics for knowledge evaluation. These methods of overcoming the RQ-contradiction are enumerated and it is shown that all of them are being developed now. Thus, as long as new methods of overcoming the RQ-contradiction are absent, the author comes to the conclusion that opportunities of application of the BB model have been exhausted, i.e. it is at the final stage of its development, and a search of new methods of evaluation of knowledge is necessary.
Key words: Black box, historical periodization, modeling, knowledge evaluation, theory of testing.
For citation
Asaulenko, E. V. Analysis of Development of Methods of Knowledge Evaluation in the Framework of the Black Box Theory / E. V. Asaulenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №5. – P. 41-46.