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Formation of Value-Oriented Attitude to Profession in Future Teachers in Extracurricular Activity
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Abstract: The article deals with the role of extracurricular activity in the process of formation of value-oriented attitude to profession in students of a pedagogical university. Analysis of pedagogical university students’ reviews shows that a considerable part of extracurricular work is aimed at personal and individual development of the students but not at their preparation for their future profession of a teacher. Meanwhile, extracurricular activity urges the student to make a conscious choice of content, methods and forms of self-education and professional self-determination; to realize and overcome difficulties in professional self-determination; and to widen the perception of oneself as a personality and a professional. Hence, purposeful extracurricular activity connected with the education process and at the same time having special significance for students should be carried out continuously during the whole period of study at the university. The given idea is being implemented in the work of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood of USPU. The teachers have collected a large amount of events which include tasks connected with concrete pedagogical situations, trainings of professional communication for future teachers, professionally-oriented competitions, etc. The length and effectiveness of such extracurricular activity corresponds to the formation of the professional competence which, according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of Pedagogy, “facilitates harmonious development of the students’ personality, formation of labor motivation and value-oriented attitude to their future profession”, which, finally, develops the value-oriented attitude to the chosen profession.
Key words: Extracurricular activity, value-oriented attitude to profession, competence-based approach.
For citation
Аndryunina, A. S. Formation of Value-Oriented Attitude to Profession in Future Teachers in Extracurricular Activity / A. S. Аndryunina, E. V. Korotaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №5. – P. 47-51.