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Prevention of Negative Dependence in Adolescents: Experience of Pedagogical Interaction Between Secular and Religious Organizations
- Hits: 264
- Рубрика: CHRONICLE
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Abstract: The article considers the materials of the scientific-practical conference held at the Ural State Pedagogical University on May 12, 2016 at the Department of Aesthetic Education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Child Psychology. The purpose of the article is to disclose modern approaches to the formation of the teachers' competence in the field of temperance education of schoolchildren on the basis of participants’ reports at the conference. The analysis of the published materials of the conference allows drawing a conclusion about the effectiveness of application of axiological, cultural and activity approaches in temperance education of teenagers, which opens the way to the formation of a non-addictive personality capable to independently, effectively and responsibly build their lives, focusing on the value of physical and spiritual health. The article discloses the content of the socially significant project "Be Healthy!", aimed at attraction of schoolchildren to healthy lifestyle by joint efforts of secondary school teachers and representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Key words: Prevention of negative dependence in children and adolescents, temperance education, educational work, interaction of secular and religious organizations.
For citation
Kuprina, N. G. Prevention of Negative Dependence in Adolescents: Experience of Pedagogical Interaction Between Secular and Religious Organizations / N. G. Kuprina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №5. – P. 167-170.