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On Student–Teacher Interaction in the Education Process of a Pedagogical University
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Abstract: In accordance with the aims determined in the normative documents of the Federal level and connected with the development of the Russian education system one of the most important competence of the modern specialist-pedagogue is the ability to interact with colleagues and various subjects involved in education activity, with the social environment, etc. Consequently, the training process itself should meet the requirements of the state and society. In order to find out how well the realized process of pedagogical education responds to the given challenges, a special interview of the students of the Ural State Pedagogical University (senior students) was carried out. The respondents were asked to evaluate traditional and interactive lessons using a 5-point scale and analyze them from the positions of “how it must be” and “how it really is”. The basic part of the questionnaire was made up of the characteristics of a university practical session: from the point of view of content and from the position of organization of interaction of the subjects during the session. On the whole, the analysis shows tgat it is necessary to search for optimal proportion of traditional and interactive lessons in the education process. And the optimization should involve both the form of conducting lessons and their content; it is also evident that such work needs mutual efforts both on the part of the students and the teachers.
Key words: The process of training future teachers, traditional and interactive practical sessions.
For citation
Korotaeva, E. V. On Student–Teacher Interaction in the Education Process of a Pedagogical University / E. V. Korotaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №5. – P. 160-166.