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Educational Independence of a Student of Non-Linguistic University: Essence and Structure of Concept
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Abstract: The article provides a description of various approaches of domestic researchers to the category of “independence”. It is established that the main mechanism, method and condition of formation of independence of the personality is his/her activity. The article defines the urgency of the problem of theoretical and methodological foundations of development of educational independence of a student of nonlinguistic higher educational institution through learning a foreign language. The paper discloses the essence of the concept “educational independence” of the higher school student in the conditions of implementation of Federal State Educational Standards of New Generation. The structure of educational independence comprising emotional, cognitive, content and evaluative-reflexive components is considered in details. Student’s motivation, indicators of his/her activity, awareness of the significance of independent educational activity, the degree of independence and the level of development of reflection were chosen as the main criteria of evaluation of formation of educational independence.
Key words: Independence of personality, structure of educational independence, criteria for evaluation of educational independence formation, foreign language, non-linguistic university.
For citation
Parnikova, G. M. Educational Independence of a Student of Non-Linguistic University: Essence and Structure of Concept / G. M. Parnikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №5. – P. 6-11.