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Creation of the Informative And Educational Environment of Higher Education Institution as the Basic Condition of Formation of Social-and-Ecological Readiness of a Future Teacher
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Abstract: The presented article reflects the main approaches to the definition of the essence of one of key pedagogical conditions of formation of social-and-ecological readiness of future teacher of preschool educational establishment to the work with a family on invigoration of children of preschool age. Key characteristics of pedagogical process are the basis for allocation of pedagogical conditions of formation of social-and-ecological readiness of future teacher of preschool educational establishment. Special attention is paid to the consideration of basic generic terms at the specification of the essence of creation process of the informative and educational environment of higher education institution: condition, pedagogical condition, environment, educational environment and also informative component of the formation of the educational environment. The special role has been assigned to consideration of the properties of the information environment at the determination of specifics of information component of the educational environment: complementarities, congruency and stability. The characteristic of the directions of development of the informative environment in the conditions of pedagogical process is submitted: organizational, activity and practical, administrative.
Key words: Environment, educational environment, information and education environment, pedagogical condition, social-and-ecological readiness, teacher.
For citation
Tolmacheva, V. V. Creation of the Informative And Educational Environment of Higher Education Institution as the Basic Condition of Formation of Social-and-Ecological Readiness of a Future Teacher / V. V. Tolmacheva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №5. – P. 12-16.