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Abstract: Introduction in recent years of the Russian sports complex GTO found contradictions between the declared ideas of the development of mass sports, promotion of healthy lifestyles and the attempt of the state to organize mass sports movement within the complex of GTO, stressing mostly its normative aspect. The objective of the study was to identify the historical roots – the analysis of the Soviet period of the introduction of GTO, the determination of prospects of its development in modern conditions. The article makes conclusion about the need to overcome the negative features of the Soviet period in the history of GTO, to stress the values of a healthy lifestyle, to work out different forms of activity, which update the development of social skills and experience of social interaction.
Key words: Russian sports complex Ready for Labor and Defense (GTO); a healthy lifestyle; mass sports movement; lifestyle; values; personality.

For citation

Murzin, A. E. The Complex Ready for Labor And Defense (GTO) and the Perspectives of Development of Mass Sports and Physical Culture Movement in Modern Russia / A. E. Murzin, I. Y. Murzina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №6. – P. 238-243.