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Prevention of Adjustment Disorders Caused by Occupational Stress
- Hits: 319
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Abstract: The article presents the combined therapy versions of borderline mental disorders caused by occupational stress of people having dangerous jobs. Servicemen suffer from protracted emotional stress while performing professional duties, one of the side effects of which is adjustment disorder with anxiety component (F 43.22, F 43.23). Complex treatment of this disorder has been proposed in this article. It is the first attempt of such therapy, worked out by the authors of this article, combined with the use of methods of correction of dynamic activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Principles of multi-axis approach with psychometric methods are used for the differential diagnosis. The clinical data indicate that irrespective of the versions of therapeutic intervention, the condition of patients has improved with regression of symptoms in 100% of cases. The author's complex therapy method with dynamic activity correction of the vegetative nervous system demonstrated the highest efficiency today.
Key words: Stress; adjustment disorder; diagnosis; therapy.
For citation
Kuzovkov, A. D. Prevention of Adjustment Disorders Caused by Occupational Stress / A. D. Kuzovkov, V. S. Kublanov, T. S. Petrenko, K. Y. Retyunskiy // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №6. – P. 199-205.