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Is it Possible to Form Anti-Corruption Values of the Law Department Graduates?
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Abstract: The article analyzes and interprets the results of research of formation of anti-corruption values of the students of specialty “Law and Law Enforcement Activity” in the universities of Ekaterinburg: Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ural State Mining University and Ural Institute of Commerce and Law. Corruption as social evil hinders political and economic development of the state and society, it leads to the decline of trust of people to the government and local administration, causes disappointment in democratic changes and, as a result, leads to the decline of authority of Russia on the international arena. [1, p. 445]. There arises the question wether law education can form anti-corruption values. The students’ answers to this question reveal contradiction between the growing amount of knowledge about corruption of the Law department students and indulgent attitude to this social evil that exists in the society. Education in the sphere of law should not only give knowledge about corruption, but form negative attitude and rejection of corruption by a lawyer. Higher education should instill moral values, civil responsibility and rejection of corruption as a phenomenon incompatible with the future professional activity.
Key words: Current social experience of law department graduates in corruption relations, anti-corruption values, anti-corruption behavior, ani-corruption education, corruption, case-study.
For citation
Dneprov, S. A. Is it Possible to Form Anti-Corruption Values of the Law Department Graduates? / S. A. Dneprov, V. V. Nikoryak // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №7. – P. 198-210.