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Volunteer Organization as a Place of University Student’s Professional Attempts
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Abstract: Formation of the competences of university graduates is most effectively achieved within a context approach to the organization of the educational process. Successive approximation methodology for all forms of student training activities to the peculiarities of their future professional activities allows to implement the transition from academic activities to the professional (quazi-professional) activity. The voluntary associations of professional orientation, the founders of which are educational or other public and private organizations, have a great potential in enhancing students' professional self-determination in high school. Professional attempts of Bachelor and Master’s Degree students, undertaken in such organizations, are an additional area of non-formal education, which give the experience of work in socially-important projects. The article discusses the organization and activities of one form of voluntary associations – “Club of firefighters, rescue workers and volunteers”, led by the teachers of one of the University Departments. It is proved that participation in professionally oriented voluntary organization develops professional and personal competences of Bachelors. On the whole the work is aimed at development and perfection of educational work of polytechnic university on the level of Applied Bachelor Degree.
Key words: Formation of the competences, volunteer organizations, applied Bachelor education, professional attempts, personal competence.
For citation
Rodionov, P. V. Volunteer Organization as a Place of University Student’s Professional Attempts / P. V. Rodionov, V. A. Starodubtsev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №7. – P. 212-217.