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Teaching of Writing Film Reviews in a Foreign Language as the Way of Expressing the Author's Opinion and Evaluation
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Abstract: The current paper examines the features of a film review as a specific genre from the perspective of discursive pedagogy and the ways of expressing opinions and evaluations as genre and text characteristics. The paper also offers a set of tasks for Linguistics students in which they learn how to write film reviews within a writing course. A film review is considered a polydiscursive text combining different types of discourses: discours of a reviewer, of a film director, of the film itself, of some other people, of some other films, etc. We also treat a film review as an interdiscursive text, as a discourse about another discourse. The specific features of a discursive medium of a film review determine the structure of the film review, which a teacher should bear in mind when working with students. A film review is a secondary text based on the film, its main function is to give opinions on a film. Opinions are represented in all parts of a film review. Different lexical, grammatical and stylistic means of language are employed to express evaluations and opinions. A given set of tasks will teach students how to analyse film reviews and how to create their own film reviews in a foreign language, which helps to form professionally-important communicative abilities of prospective translators.
Key words: Film review, evaluation and opinion, teaching of writing film reviews, polydiscursivity, interdiscursivity.
For citation
Mitryukhina, I. N. Teaching of Writing Film Reviews in a Foreign Language as the Way of Expressing the Author's Opinion and Evaluation / I. N. Mitryukhina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №7. – P. 232-237.