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Problems and Practice in Mastering of the Professional Competences by the Teacher of Mathematics
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Abstract: Educational standards for pedagogical education suggest the formation of a set of competencies during the development of a particular educational program. The aim of this work is to identify the problems that appear in the implementation of these standards in the light of the transition to the Bologna system. It is noted that for the modernization of the Russian education system it is important to review the governance arrangements, and it is also necessary to improve the work of the teaching staff, i.e. completely change the teaching methods. As an example of realization of personality-oriented paradigm of education a comparative analysis of American and Russian education system is given. It is noted that the personalityoriented education should be designed so, that the student could master all the competencies identified in the federal state education standards, moving along individual learning paths and picking up the number of credits corresponding to the amount of credit units. For these purposes, when designing educational programs, it is necessary to invite prospective employers, quality assurance specialists, and to take into account the opinion of the students. A comparison of the professional standard of teacher and educational standard of Bachelor on the example of training teachers of mathematics is given. The conclusion is made that the work load of the professors should also be measured in credit units.
Key words: Professional competence, competence-based approach, the Bologna process, student-oriented teaching, professional standard of a teacher.
For citation
Blinova, T. L. Problems and Practice in Mastering of the Professional Competences by the Teacher of Mathematics / T. L. Blinova, I. E. Podchinenov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №7. – P. 139-144.