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Designing the Components of Professional Skills Formation Method of Pedagogical Higher School Students in Conditions of Virtual Education Environment
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Abstract: The purpose of the article is creation of the components of integrative methods of formation of professional competences and practical skills of pedagogical higher schools students in the conditions of the virtual learning environment based on the analysis and comparison of the developed approaches in modern literature. Within the framework of prescriptive theory by means of object-design method the author carried out conceptual modeling of the integrity of the components of the methodology and gave meaningful description of one of its central elements – information-communication learning method in a virtual learning environment. On the basis of allocation of the main issues that determine the content and stages of students’ training in pedagogical methods of the "modern" educational paradigm, as well as taking into account the major structural components of educational technology the author offered the approach to the creation of learning methods using a virtual learning environment. The results of research of the features and opportunities of virtual educational environment made it possible to determine the nature and ways of enrichment of teaching methods and mechanisms for self-tuning and self-perfection of the teaching methods system in educational information and virtual environments, as well as to formulate a conclusion about the impossibility of building a modern educational process without taking into account the didactic features of the virtual educational environment and situational design component technique.
Key words: Virtual learning environment, teaching methods, integrative methods of formation of professional skills, information and communication technologies.
For citation
Slepukhin, A. V. Designing the Components of Professional Skills Formation Method of Pedagogical Higher School Students in Conditions of Virtual Education Environment / A. V. Slepukhin // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №7. – P. 82-90.