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Fundamentals of Modelling the Individual Educational Trajectories of Students with Disabilities in Distance Education
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Abstract: Within the framework of the psychological-didactic approach the principles of psychological and pedagogical comfort, the implementation of social inclusion and a possible psycho-physiological correction are highlighted and revealed as the basis of modeling individual learning trajectories for students with disabilities in distance education. The realization of the formulated principles of subject-subject interaction (communication) in the information educational environment is directed at the reduction of mental discomfort of students with disabilities and, where necessary and possible, the increase in range of types of communication links (‘one’ – ‘one’, ‘few’- one’, ‘one’ – ‘several’, etc.). The implementation of the principles with the subject-object interaction is aimed at reducing physical discomfort of the students with disabilities and enabling the possible (necessary) mental, tactile, mimic, sound-reproducing, etc. actions. These principles, complementing the existing in the current literature provisions and recommendations, due to the specific functions of remote technologies are aimed at efficient organization of individual training of students with disabilities and at inclusion in the educational process of the special individual work on the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of the selected categories of students.
Key words: Students with disabilities, individual educational trajectory, the principles of individual educational trajectories, distance education, types of communication
For citation
Semenova, I. N. Fundamentals of Modelling the Individual Educational Trajectories of Students with Disabilities in Distance Education / I. N. Semenova, E. S. Markelova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №7. – P. 77-81.