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Innovative Approach in Shaping Career Consciousness in the Process of Professional Education
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Abstract: This is an overview of the problem of improvement of professional education quality of university graduates. The problem of the quality of training specialists in the light of career guidance of the graduates is discussed. The correlation of personnel shortage in the sphere of industry and the absence of career guidance and career ambitions is proved. The possibility of the use of the theory and methods of physical education to improve the quality of training and career growth in the chosen profession is studied. The correlation of the means of physical education in the course of getting knowledge about the nature, the society and the human activity is described. A short analysis of the concepts «consciousness» and «career» makes it possible to single out the features of a person and their lifestyle that can be changed with the help of physical education. Understanding and self-awareness of an «I», depiction of one’s own success in physical education sphere promotes the formation of the qualities necessary for the development of physical and spiritual potential of a person. Well-balanced professional development of a person is possible with the help of the theory and practice of physical education and sport. A conclusion is made about the necessity of self-education and self-perfection for career growth. The concept “career growth consciousness” is defined and the necessity of its formation in the course of studying at the university is argued.
Key words: Career, consciousness, the quality of training, professional orientation, career development, physical education.
For citation
Popovich, A. P. Innovative Approach in Shaping Career Consciousness in the Process of Professional Education / A. P. Popovich // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №8. – P. 104-108.