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Planning Practice of Students in a Continuous System of Training Teachers
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the training of teaching staff in higher continuous education. The authors considered the possibility of intensification of practical training of future teachers on the basis of continuity of multi-level system of higher education in the enlarged group of specialties «Education and Pedagogy». The purpose of the article is to justify and describe the pilot project «Modernization of practice of the future teachers in the conditions of continuous education in higher school» developed in the Ural State Pedagogical University. The project includes reorganization of tasks and the ways of students’ practice on the basis of the ideas of continuity of training teachers in the programs of higher education: Baccalaureate — Magistracy — Postgraduate study. On the basis of the current scientific studies, the article allocates a number of ideas as the basis for planning students’ practice. Firstly, planning of educational teacher’s training programs should be based on a system-activity approach that will provide the dynamics of personal and professional achievements of students. Secondly, it is necessary to apply a modular principle in the construction of educational programs of the contiguous levels of higher education, which will form the basis for the action in the certain context. Thirdly, it is necessary to ensure the integration of the content of educational programs in higher education through the use of professional samples that «suggest» the ways of research of the theoretical problems with the subsequent expansion of the academic component of teacher’s training. Finally, it is important to develop social partnership of the university and secondary school in the form of a network, which will form professional value orientations and pedagogical reflection of self-development as the core of professional and personal qualities of the future teachers and educators.
Key words: Teacher’s training, continuing education, higher school, the continuity of educational programs, students’ practice, the modernization of practice at the university.
For citation
Byvsheva M. V. Planning Practice of Students in a Continuous System of Training Teachers / M. V. Byvsheva, S. D. Tomilova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №8. – P. 82-87.