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Independent Work of Students as a System
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Abstract: It is shown that the definitions of independent work of students (IWS) in pedagogical literature reveal different sides of this complex phenomenon. Besides, IWS is viewed as a cognitive activity. But cognitive approach to IWS contradicts the Federal State Educational Standard where the priority is given to practical competences, which correlate with cognitive competences as 3 to 1. IWS is a conscious activity aimed at acquisition of the knowledge of the society and production of knowledge about the world and themselves to use this knowledge in order to form one’s own subjectivity necessary for productive personality and professional self-realization. IWS as a system includes two sub-systems: 1) exoteric: it includes self-educational activity, academic and practical, scientific and socio-cultural activities. Their object is outside the subject. 2) esoteric: it includes self-cognitive activity, self-managing, self-educational and health-improving activities. All the types of IWS are connected to each other. Student’s readiness to independent work includes the following components: cognitive, imperative and instrumental (skills and qualities).
Key words: Independent work of students, the essence of independent work of students, system analysis of independent work of students, management of independent work of students by a teacher, readiness of a student to independent work, management of independent work by a student, process and result of independent work of students.
For citation
Bailuk, V. V. Independent Work of Students as a System / V. V. Bailuk // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №8. – P. 12-27.