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Conditions and Factors of the Influence of the Cultural Space of a City on the Addictions of the Young People
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Abstract: The article discusses the main conditions and factors of the influence of cultural space of a city on addictions appearance among the young people. The main goal of the article is to identify the main conditions and factors of the influence of cultural space of a city on addictions of young people. The research allowed to single out and define objective- and subjective-driven conditions and factors of the influence of cultural space of a city on addictions appearance among the young people. The results of the research can be used in the sociological surveys in the sphere of development of the space of a city, in practical work of planning and development of the city areas to find out the influence of cultural space of a city on the young people. The main conditions and factors of the influence of cultural space of a city on addictions appearance among the young people are caused by different factors and manifest themselves in many ways: objectively — in the city tempo and rhythm, in the absence of the opportunities for dynamic self-identification, in violation of one’s own privacy, in density, in the disappearance of the visual landmarks, in the excess of information, in manipulation of consciousness and dominance of the environment harmful for psychological state; subjectively — via personal rejection of the senses that make the foundation of different ways of the city space development, the feeling of loss of control over the environment and impossibility to change the situation, hidden ignoring, the absence of the adaptation niche and informational load on the senses.
Key words: Young people in the city, cultural space of a city, addictions of young people, the influence of the condition and factors on getting addicted
For citation
Akhyamova, I. A. Conditions and Factors of the Influence of the Cultural Space of a City on the Addictions of the Young People / I. A. Akhyamova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №8. – P. 135-139.