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Construction of Training Effects
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Abstract: Training of a sportsman includes pedagogical principles and methods, psychological states and processes, biological laws of functioning of the systems and the body in general. Different specialists are involved in the training process, who often have a limited view of a training. The biologists explain training effects disregard of the pedagogical approaches to the training process, their conclusions are based on a few parameters. A trainer, having little knowledge of the nature of a human being, tries to comply with the requirements of the biologists and thus violates the process, doesn’t take into account pedagogical principles of a sports training and treats biological laws of the functioning of the systems and the body as methodological recommendation. It results in mistakes, which harm the sportsman. Sport pedagogy is traditionally limited to the number of the existing solutions of the problem, the perspectives are in the increase of the workload. It is necessary to plan and monitor not only the training workload, but the sportsman’s reaction to it as well. At the same time, it is important to regard only adaptive reaction, which can be “emergency-biased” and may not characterize the level of physical development of a sportsman. Sport training should not be limited to adaptation (accommodation) to something, it is, first of all, perfection and transition to a new level of development. Sport training consists in physical exercise. A lot of factors influence a sportsman in this process, which are usually unknown to the trainer or poorly explored. At the same time, the trainer should give the sportsman a task with certain parameters, with regard to the factors of the training process. Construction of the training effects is the process of joining the elements of the physical exercise into a unified view of the training. The choice of the physical exercise is based on a great number of determiners, which are difficult to follow in the real training process. To avoid methodological mistakes it is necessary to divide these factors into groups, including psychological states and processes, correlation of aerobic and anaerobic energy systems and neuro-muscular regulation. Mutual modulation of these groups results in the integration of all the factors and provides integrity of the training process.
Key words: Sports training; variety of factors; motional task; training effect; physical development; construction; integration; modulation.
For citation
Vashljaev, B. F. Construction of Training Effects / B. F. Vashljaev, I. R. Vashljaeva, I. N. Pushkareva, I. Y. Sazonov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №9. – P. 12-16.