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Interdepartmental Interaction and Social Partnership in the Prevention of Delinquent Behavior of Adolescents
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Abstract: The problem of delinquent behavior of adolescents is one of the most urgent problems of today. Despite all the preventive measures introduced by the government, the number of minors with deviant behavior remains high, indicating a need to revise the conceptual approaches preventing illegal actions among minors. The article summarizes the experience of psycho-pedagogical support of delinquent adolescents gained in domestic and foreign psychology; it reveals the specifics and peculiarities of delinquent behavior of adolescents, identifies and describes exogenous (a set of external conditions forming sociocultural situation of the adolescent development) and endogenous (sex and age characteristics, characteristics depending on the occupation and personality traits) determinants of delinquency. Taking into account poly-determined nature of the described phenomenon, the author proves the need and proposes a model of interdepartmental cooperation and social partnership in addressing the problem of delinquency prevention and re-socialization of delinquent adolescents.
Key words: Delinquency; predictors of delinquency; delinquent behavior of adolescents; prevention of delinquency; interdepartmental cooperation and social partnership.
For citation
Vasyagina, N. N. Interdepartmental Interaction and Social Partnership in the Prevention of Delinquent Behavior of Adolescents / N. N. Vasyagina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №9. – P. 117-122.