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Organisation of Students’ Independent Work When Forming Discursive Competence of Interpreters
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Abstract: The article deals with the organization of students’ independent work during the development of discourse competence in the discipline "Interpretation from the First /Second Foreign Language". The aim of this article is to substantiate the forms of students’ independent work when forming the discursive competence of an interpreter within this discipline. We understand the discursive competence of an interpreter as the willingness and ability to perceive and understand oral discourse of the communication subjects, who belong to different cultures, in the unity of all its components, to identify the main idea by relying on the context (including note-taking) and to translate it according to the communication situation and national-cultural peculiarities of its structure, implementation (selection of appropriate linguistic and nonlinguistic means within the genre, functional style, register, and the situation of communication) with the necessary adaptation to the host culture. Independent work of students in the development of these competencies is divided into educational and scientific activities. Other typological criteria are the sequence of steps in the interpreting, the level of communication, level of skills formation, and translation strategy. The article provides examples of tasks for the organization of students’ independent work, which are aimed at the formation of discursive competence of an interpreter within independent educational, research, and quasi-professional activities. The results can be used in practical training of interpreters and writing course books.
Key words: Independent work; research; discursive competence; translation studies; translation teaching; interpretation; translation.
For citation
Moshanskaya, E. Y. Organisation of Students’ Independent Work When Forming Discursive Competence of Interpreters / E. Y. Moshanskaya // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №1. – P. 54-59.