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Abstract: The article examines current trends in the development of university science from the point of view of the philosophy of science. The first positivism put the problem of demarcation criteria of scientific knowledge, the second positivism raised the problem of specificity of scientific creativity, the third one turned to the analysis of scientific language; post-positivism put forward the problem of the growth of scientific knowledge and its principles: fallibilism, falsification, rational criticism and competition of scientific theories and research programs. Postmodern era brings to life new principles for the development of scientific knowledge, one of which, according to the authors, is the principle of scientific logistics. The authors pose the problem of "scientific logistics". They reveal the essence of the «logistics turn point» in the university science, determined by virtualization of science, its commercialization, the emergence of Glam-science and other trends in its development. All of them radically change the nature of the research that demands of the new type of university lecturer with new subject features and professional roles in response to institutional transformations of science and education.
Key words: University science; scientific research work; teachers; language of science; scientific logistics.

For citation

Belyaeva, L. A. The University Scientific Research: Logistic Turn Point / L. A. Belyaeva, M. A. Belyaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №1. – P. 135-140.