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Youth Patriotic Public Organizations as an Alternative to Criminal Subcultures
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Abstract: The article describes the reasons for involvement of adolescents into the criminal world and the spread of ideology that cultivates suicide caused by: psychological peculiarities of teenagers (the desire to stand out in society with the help of subculture, the desire to belong to some significant group where there is mutual understanding and support, the desire to get money quickly and easily); social factors (the absence of alternative for self-development and much free time, the growth of crime and violence in society). The necessity and significance of formation of civil identity of youth is substantiated. As a tool to reduce the impact of criminal subcultures on modern youth, it is proposed to use patriotic education purposefully - taking into account its constructive and creative role in the life of society and the upbringing of the younger generations - on the basis of applying innovative technologies and a project approach. The article cites the example of the Ural State Pedagogical University, which is the basic innovation platform for civil and patriotic education; many all-Russian and regional patriotic projects are implemented on its basis that ensure the involvement of various categories of students in the system of civic-patriotic education (AllRussia student’s project “Living History”, “My Russia, My Urals” and others). In conclusion the article proposes to oppose the spread of criminal subcultures in youth environment with the help of social projects, patriotic clubs and communities.
Key words: Patriotism; patriotic education; citizen; youth; teenagers; patriotic public organizations; civic identity; criminal subcultures.
For citation
Popp, I. A. Youth Patriotic Public Organizations as an Alternative to Criminal Subcultures / I. A. Popp, I. S. Popp, I. S. Shakhnovich // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №10. – P. 56-61.