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Human Resources Development of Professional Educational Organizations: Application of Professional Standard of a Teacher of Professional Training
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Abstract: The paper reveals contradiction between high demand for qualified workers and their absence in the labour market. The solution of this problem lies in the sphere of vocational education and vocational teaching. The paper argues that efficiency of modernization in vocational education depends of the staff of the educational establishment. Human resources development is a top-priority task of the system of vocational pedagogical education in Russia, which is developing with the help of new educational standards in the specialties “Vocational Education (in different fields)” and the state educational standards of “Vocational Education and Additional Education Teacher”. The paper discusses such questions as: adjustment of
teaching staff qualification to the requirements of the state professional standard; perfection of the process of teaching of vocational education teachers in the system of vocational education. Taking into account these aspects there is an attempt to assess conformity of the qualification level of teachers to the requirements of the state professional standard; to compare the requirements of vocational education teachers’ training in the State Educational Standard and in the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of training “Vocational Education (in different fields)” with the corresponding requirements included in professional standard “Vocational Education and Additional Education Teacher”; to analyze the possible ways to get rid of the contradictions and drawbacks. Having analyzed qualification level of the teaching staff in vocational education and additional education and the structure and content of teaching in “Vocational Education”, the authors come to the conclusion that the existing educational system of vocational education teachers’ training conforms to the requirements of professional standard, although it should be adjusted in some areas; to make teachers’ qualification conform to all the requirements of the standard it is necessary to provide them with specialized training in the system of higher and additional vocational pedagogical education.
Key words: Professional standards; university professor; vocational pedagogical staff; human resources potential; teaching staff.
For citation
Zyryanova, N. I. Human Resources Development of Professional Educational Organizations: Application of Professional Standard of a Teacher of Professional Training / N. I. Zyryanova, V. A. Fedorov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №10. – P. 23-30.