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Role of University Departments in Management of Innovations in Educational Process
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Abstract: The paper describes the search for well-balanced solutions to raise the efficiency of university departments work in the aspect of the quality of services they give students in the field of innovative education. With the help of dialectic and structural-functional methods to assess effectiveness of a university department in the sphere of innovations management, the paper provides a model to teach students and specify the main functions of departments, for example, lectures, laboratory classes, practical classes and tutorials with the students; to ensure civil education of students and development of their creative scientific potential and to provide help in organizing student’s unions; to develop typical learning programs for the academic subjects of the department; to establish branches of departments at industrial sites of departments that will open wide opportunities for practice; to help employ graduates and keep in touch with them; to organize advanced training of professionals working in different spheres of national industry, etc. Besides, the paper describes factors that ensure efficiency of the work of university departments, underlining the importance of taking into account that changes in scientific, engineering and social spheres, forecasts of the possible changes in the content and structure of production process and in educational needs of the society; philosophy of national vocational education and national economy; conditions and dynamics of the labour market and intellectual products on the regional, transregional, national and international levels. The paper provides a scheme of the model of implementation of educational innovations that helps to single out innovative technologies in education. The result of the use of this model is the following learning technologies: development of multimedia and interactive lectures; work with e-books, notes and teaching aids; work with specialized computer technology.
For citation
Vorobyov, A. E. Role of University Departments in Management of Innovations in Educational Process / A. E. Vorobyov, A. K. Murzayeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №10. – P. 17-22.