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The Influence of Educational Policy on the Development of Inclusive Education in the Russian Federation
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Abstract: Inclusive education now is an innovative process that allows for the education, upbringing and development of all children, regardless of their individual characteristics, educational achievements, native language, culture, mental and physical abilities. Implementation of inclusion provides further humanization of education, the recognition of the rights of persons with disabilities to accessible and quality education, and formation of a new type of professional pedagogical community. An effective model of education, upbringing and development of children with disabilities, difficulties in learning and social adaptation will solve problems within the educational environment of the organization, avoid unreasonable redirection of the child's problems to external services, and reduce the number of children sent to special educational organizations. The first attempt of conflict-free entry of a child with disabilities into the public educational system begins at pre-school stage in the process of preschool education and training. It is the first stage of education that influences formation of the child’s self-consciousness, self-esteem and the way of further development. Exercising the rights of pre-school age children with disabilities for education is considered by the author as one of the most important tasks of the state policy. Provoding these childrenwith high-quality pre-school and later vocational education is a fundamental and indispensable condition for their successful socialization, to ensure full participation in society, effective self-realization in various kinds of professional and social activities. For successful implementation of this model of education, teachers should get special education, retraining or advanced training. When teaching Bachelors and Masters Degree students to work with children with disabilities in an inclusive educational space, special emphasis is to be placed on both reading special disciplines and selecting the bases of practices in which the education and upbringing of children with disabilities is provided.
Key words: Children with disabilities; inclusion; inclusive education; educational policy; accessible learning environment; retraining of teachers.
For citation
Buslaeva, E. N. The Influence of Educational Policy on the Development of Inclusive Education in the Russian Federation / E. N. Buslaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №10. – P. 5-10.