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Teaching Methods of Computer Science Based On Mobile Technologies
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Abstract: The article discusses the methods of teaching informatics at school through the use of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets and other portable computers) and cloud technologies, providing communication between students and teachers. On the basis of didactic challenges in the learning process, appropriate teaching methods aimed at teaching students to deal with different type of information and the mastering of software products using mobile devices are recommended. Taking into account the specifics of the discipline "Informatics and ICT" at school, the article suggests methods of learning aimed at the development of algorithmic thinking and acquisition of basic skills of software development with the use of mobile devices. In the part of studying and development of skills of work with software products, we suggest using mobile devices as a second screen for convenient access to instruction. The above mentioned teaching methods include such components as the purpose and conditions of application of the method, activities of teacher and learner, the method of control of result and a criteria of its achievement. To organize joint work of students both in the classroom and in extracurricular work, it is convenient to use cloud technologies, which allow you to use cloud storage to keep electronic educational materials of the course there. Based on the variety of teaching methods and didactic challenges, the conclusion about the appropriateness of their systematization, developing principles of formation the system of methods of training and testing in real teaching process has been made.
Key words: Mobile learning; m-learning; mobile technology; mobile device; methods of teaChing computer Science at school.
For citation
Novikov, M. Y. Teaching Methods of Computer Science Based On Mobile Technologies / M. Y. Novikov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №11. – P. 48-59.