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Development of Student’s Cognitive Independence at the Lessons of Mathematics in 5–6 Grades Using Framework Approach
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Abstract: In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education there is a need to find new ways of development of cognitive independence, which allow to create, apply and transform information to meet educational and cognitive tasks. The article is devoted to expediency of application of framework approach for development of cognitive independence of students in 5-6 grades. The article defines the concept of "cognitive independence", and highlights the levels of development of the cognitive motive. It also argues the possibility of using different ways of representing the frames for the development of cognitive independence of students. The article presents the structure of the process of gradual transition of the levels of development of cognitive independence of students in the framework approach. It clarifies the content of the method of development of cognitive independence of students of 5-6 grades of secondary school in teaching Math with the help of framework approach. The article provides results of the research of the methodology for cognitive independence development with regard to framework approach, namely, goals, tasks, principles of teaching, requirements to the selection of the content, and substantial components of the methodology, approaches to learning, teaching methods, means of development of cognitive independence, diagnostic methods, forms of organization of educational process, types of work training activities and the expected result. There is a conclusions about the features of construction of modern educational process in the framework approach.
Key words: Methods of teaching maths at school; methods of teaching maths; maths lesson; pupils; cognitive activity; independence; frame; frame-based approach.
For citation
Avvakumova, I. A. Development of Student’s Cognitive Independence at the Lessons of Mathematics in 5–6 Grades Using Framework Approach / I. A. Avvakumova, N. S. Pevneva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №11. – P. 88-94.