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Main Directions of Teaching Foreign Languages Technique Development in Higher Educational Institutions
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Abstract: The paper analyses modern domestic and foreign researches devoted to the study of the ways to improve a technique of teaching foreign languages at higher school. The tendencies of domestic foreign-language education are as follows: modernization of the technique of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic higher education institutions with the emphasis on the international educational standards; co-learning of language and culture of the people, long-life learning; vocational guidance of a course of a foreign language in non-linguistic higher educational institution; increase in a share of independent work of students; differentiation and individualization in teaching foreign languages. Foreign researchers have a different view on the quality of the personality: in the Western, where individualism, independence and autonomy prevail, personal active participation has a great importance; in the Eastern countries, where collectivism is typical, special attention is paid to rules and norms accepted in the given society. This paradigm is of special interest for us as most of our students are native inhabitants of Yakutia. They belong to the Eastern mental group, at the same time being members of the Russian nation which combines the features of the West and the East. The study of these tendencies has allowed us to pass to theoretical justification, construction and realization in practice of an author's technique of development of educational independence of students who are native inhabitants of Yakutia. This technique has its strategy, methods, complex of forms, means and exercises aimed at formation of the required quality of the personality.
Key words: Technique of teaching foreign languages; language education; language competence; foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages in higher education institution; methods of teaching; forms of teaching.
For citation
Parnikova, G. M. Main Directions of Teaching Foreign Languages Technique Development in Higher Educational Institutions / G. M. Parnikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №2. – P. 21-26.