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Valeological Education of Students in Singing Activity
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Abstract: The article discusses the issue of pedagogical aspects of the use of valeological potential of singing activity in the musical and educational process. The goal of the article is to clarify such terms as 'valeological education', 'valeological approach', 'valeological culture' and to show how these terms conform to student's singing activity. The research methodology is based on the ideas of innovative development of music education by intensification of valeological approach to the learning process. The research result is the following: the authors defined the main point of valeological approach to singing activity. Scientific novelty is that the authors disclosed the main principles of valeological approach to the arrangement of student's singing activity, devised standards and measurement tools of valeological culture formation in the music education process. Practical significance is that this researchcan can be used in the teaching Bachelors studying "Pedagogical Education", "Music Education", and Master’s Degree Students studying "Pedagogical Education", "Music Education", as well as for advanced training of teachers.
Key words: Valeological education; valeology; stedent’s health; singing activity; methods of teaching music at school
For citation
Pichugina, L. N. Valeological Education of Students in Singing Activity / L. N. Pichugina, E. B. Anufrieva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №2. – P. 82-87 .