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Secondary Schools and Teaching in Ekaterinburg During White Guard Government (July 1918 – June 1919)
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Abstract: The paper continues the article by I. L. Bakhtina and M. V. Popova (published in the journal Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №9), which described the situation in Ekaterinburg during the revolution and the civil war. This paper analyzes the policy of the White Guard Government in the sphere of education and its results. It studies the role of the governmental bodies of the city administration in managing secondary and primary schools in Ekaterinburg, especially in the increase of financial support. An attempt to give a critical review to the civil confrontation and violence of the government is undertaken. The changes in political views of Ekaterinburg teachers which split the pedagogical workers are listed. At the same time, the paper studies the attempts to make a reform of secondary school, undertaken in the Urals by Omsk government headed by A.V. Kolchak in the beginning of 1919. The goal and main fields for the reform are evaluated positively; the conclusion is made that the military defeats and weakening of the governmental bodies didn’t allow the opponents of the Bolsheviks to reform the system of education in Russia.
Key words: Comprehensive schools; teaching; civil war; school reform; territorial government.
For citation
Popov, M. V. Secondary Schools and Teaching in Ekaterinburg During White Guard Government (July 1918 – June 1919) / M. V. Popov, I. M. Klimenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №3. – P. 132-139 .