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School as a Mechanism for Moral Upbringing of the Individual (Based On School Education in Japan)
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of peculiarities of school education in Japan. The subject of the research is the process of formation of moral values in Japan schools’ students. Moral upbringing and self-education in the process of formation of an individual is continuous during the whole life of Japanese. As it has been revealed, each educational program, irrespective of the direction of education and age category of pupils, contains the aspect of moral upbringing. The subject «Moral Upbringing» itself is taught during the course of education not only in the framework of a certain subject, but also of the educational process in the comprehensive secondary school. The program of this subject is a methodological complex with its goals, tasks and means of implementation for each age category of pupils and includes different thematic blocks depending on the year of education. The content of the discipline can vary subject to the educational profile and school directions. A great amount of pupils in classes is used as an organizational tool allowing to unite pupils and strengthen the feeling of collectivism. The process of moral upbringing of a child involves not only school, but also their parents. Educational work in the Japanese school is based on the interaction between families, local people and other schools. The educational process presupposes making tours through the country, visiting museums, that allows pupils to learn to apply the studied moral principles in practice. The moral example of a teacher (Sensei) is very important means in the process of moral upbringing. The task of a comprehensive secondary school is to provide the pupils with all necessary conditions to learn the normative models of behaviour, thought and successful rise in the society.
Key words: Moral upbringing; moral development; public morals; self-education; comprehensive secondary school; pupil.
For citation
Mazevskaya, A. E. School as a Mechanism for Moral Upbringing of the Individual (Based On School Education in Japan) / A. E. Mazevskaya // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №3. – P. 52-56.