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Performance Criteria of Formation of Pedagogical Competences of Future Lawyers in the Process of Legal Education for Senior Citizens
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the issue of formation of pedagogical competences of future lawyers by means of legal education for senior citizens. The performance criteria of the given process are worked out taking into account the necessary modalities and software and methodological support. The proposed set of performance criteria is built on the basis of understanding the criterion as a key feature of the process and understanding of the effectiveness of the completeness of deliverables. Legal education of older persons is related to the concept of civil competence model of training of students. The paper substantiates the basic components of pedagogical activity of the future lawyers, describes their content in accordance with the requirements of the Federal state educational standards of higher legal education, and reflects the dependence of formation of pedagogical skills with General cultural and pedagogical competencies that are included in the requirements of the standard. Legal education of senior citizens is considered as an effective means of formation of pedagogical competences. The article accentuates the idea of the integrity of sociological and adragogical components of legal education of senior citizens as a precondition of the effectiveness of the process under study. The article argues the importance of integrating on-the-job training of future lawyers for socially oriented regional projects and opens up perspectives for further studies of the problem of efficient tools for the professional development of future lawyers. The urgency of the undertaken research stems from the provisions of the "Strategy of actions in interests of citizens of advanced age until 2025", which is the key goal of public policy called upon for the sustainable improvement of the quality of life of older people. Educating elderly people should be regarded as a goal and as a tool of implementing public policy. The functions of legal education of senior citizens are projected into the plane of practical training of future lawyers.
Key words: Performance criteria; future lawyers; legal education; teaching of lawyers; pedagogical competences; the elderly
For citation
Urvantseva, S. O. Performance Criteria of Formation of Pedagogical Competences of Future Lawyers in the Process of Legal Education for Senior Citizens / S. O. Urvantseva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №5. – P. 126-132.