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Point-Rating System for Evaluation of the Student Learning Activity: The Questions of Purpose
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Abstract: The article examines the model of the point-rating system (PRS) for evaluating learning outcomes used in foreign universities. The PRS appointments are indicated: ensuring the regular work of students during the semester, increasing the objectivity of evaluating the students’ learning activities, ranking students according to academic achievement, and ensuring academic mobility. Two stages can be identified in the formation of ranking: grade semester assessment of the discipline (disciplinary rating) and pooling of disciplinary assessments in the semester and final ratings. The content of each stage and the features of its implementation in domestic universities are analyzed in detail. As shortcomings of the semester grading of the discipline are indicated: the formation of PRS in ideology "from top to bottom", unreasonable unification of the list of types of educational activity in the all university, "hard" mathematical estimation models, lack of the ability to assess the formation of the competence components, a cumbersome and inconvenient for teachers scheme of documentation, using of paper carriers. The problems of using ECTS grading scale in Russian universities are indicated. The necessity of different threshold values for majors and minors is discussed. The mathematical procedure of formation of a rating system on disciplinary indexes does not cause doubts. However, the analysis does not reveal the need to find and any application of the student's rating in the educational practice of the domestic universities. In particular, it is shown that unlike foreign universities, in Russian higher education the rating does not provide academic mobility, it is not connected with the prospects for employment or continuing education. At the same time, since the PRS provides, first of all, a clear organization of student learning activities and their motivation for systematic study, the need for such a system is seen to solve the immediate tasks of managing education by the teacher and self-management for students. The exposition of the corresponding mathematical model and examples of its application will be described in the next issue of the journal.
Key words: Evaluation of knowledge; students; point-rating system; to test knowledge.
For citation
Starichenko, B. E. Point-Rating System for Evaluation of the Student Learning Activity: The Questions of Purpose / B. E. Starichenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №5. – P. 116-125.