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Work with Blind Parents Taking Care of Babies
- Hits: 330
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Abstract: The paper describes the peculiarities of work with blind parents who have babies of twenty-twenty. The research describes the school for parents with vision disorders that is opened in Ekaterinburg on the platform of the state institution of culture “Sverdlovsk Regional Library for the Blind”. This school specializes on teaching parents with vision disorders. The paper analyzes the lessons and groups them in topical units: care of children under three; independence development of children with normal vision by their blind parents; social and legal protection of families with blind parents; the services from the state establishments given to blind parents taking care of babies. The paper lists the problems that blind parents have when they raise their children with normal vision, which were revealed in the survey among blind parents held in 2015 in the Ural. Based on the analysis of the problems, we give some recommendation to the school for blind parent.
Key words: Pedagogical interaction; blind parents; pedagogy for blind and visually impaired; family upbringing; infancy; childhood; teachers; schools for blind parents.
For citation
Konyukhova, E. Y. Work with Blind Parents Taking Care of Babies / E. Y. Konyukhova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №5. – P. 96-101 .