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Oral Speech and Interpretation: Didactic Aspect
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the specific features of oral speech from the standpoint of consecutive interpreting. The interpretations of the concepts "discourse", "orally produced speech", "spontaneity", are presented, and the specifics of the oral discourse and such type of interpretation as the conversation translation are described. The authors define oral speech as a natural, orally generated, spontaneous, unprepared, free speech. Other characteristics include personal and multiple channel communication, dialogic character, as well as simultaneous planning and production of speech by the speaker and its acquisition and comprehension by the recipient, provided that they both have a feedback mechanism. Specific characteristics of speech lay foundation for the development of consecutive interpreters’ training methodology. The main points of the latter include the necessity of using in the training corpora of natural speech, the importance of the analysis of interpreting situations video recordings and of the introduction in the instructions to interactive tasks descriptions of personal and status characteristics of communication participants, and ensuring progression in developing interpreting skills due to the transition from consecutive interpreting (later CI) of simulated and quasi-natural to natural speech, from the CI of semi-formal and formal dialogues and polylogues to the CI in situations of informal communication. The most effective form of learning CI is training that includes both exercises in the development of expressive bodily movements and acting situations of natural communication. The results of the study can be applied in designing the practical courses and study guides for interpreters’ training.
Key words: Discourse; oral speech; unpreparedness; dialogue; spontaneity; ease; interpreters’ training; oral translation; teaching to translate.
For citation
Moshchanskaya, E. Y. Oral Speech and Interpretation: Didactic Aspect / E. Y. Moshchanskaya, A. M. Polikarpov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №5. – P. 109-115 .